8V.com Launches Fixed-term Staking with APY of up to 12%

The world’s first metaverse crypto exchange, 8V.com, has launched its most recent cryptocurrency staking products. These enable users to stake and earn up to 12% APY on a 90-day fixed-term contract. Crypto staking is one of the simplest and safest ways for digital asset holders to earn a passive income by using their tokens to […]

DAO of Metaverse: Evolution DAO Metaverse Decentralized Financial Ecology

As the most important organizational form in the encryption world, DAO developers also use their own whimsy to build DAO applications. Compared with the combination of DAO in governance mechanism of other protocols, DAO projects will be more decentralized in terms of operation mode. transformed genes. Driven by innovators, this new form of organization is slowly […]

How to become a Pirate with real coins on your hands? Let’s follow the Crypto Raiders and it will give you an answer!

INTRODUCTION Crypto Raiders of the Lost Treasure is the first real NFT puzzle game in WEB3.0. By solving interesting clues, explorers will follow the story to launch a series of exciting treasure hunt games, which will not only obtain many surprise rewards but also meet the curiosity and adventurous spirit of explorers. This is a […]

SOFI: How do we realize the meta universe project of Web3?

In the context of the new era, the technology of the Internet is changing with each passing day. At present, the Internet is in a revolution. In order to build an intelligent Web3.0 Internet that integrates heaven and earth, integrates cloud and Internet, is intelligent, agile, green, low-carbon, safe and controllable, it focuses on 5g, […]

AMAZING PANDAVERSE : Pioneer, Practitioner, Promoter

When the artistic attributes of Chaowan and the unique value attributes of NFTs will inevitably collide with bright sparks. When everyone is still struggling to explore the NFT scene in the encrypted world, or when chasing the FOMO frenzy of “Tugou”. Some people have mapped the scene ecology of NFT to the physical world, and […]